Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

Glendale Dialectical Behavior Therapy - California Patients

Dr. Taji now offers Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) for patients in the Glendale, California area. This method is often used to treat borderline personality disorder and a variety of other mental health disorders including chronic suicidal behavior, impulse behavior, emotional dysregulation and interpersonal problems. If you are interested in how dialectical behavior therapy can help you, contact us today.

What Is DBT?

Dialectical Behavior Therapy, or DBT, may work well for you if you are likely to react more intensely to emotional situations. Some examples include problems with family, friendships, and romantic relationships. You may seem to become upset more quickly than an average person and have a harder time returning to normal afterward. If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, you may be experiencing extreme emotional swings. You may jump from one life crisis to another. It can be difficult for those around you to understand why you have these extreme emotional fluctuations. Dialectical behavior therapy with Dr. Taji may help.

Approaches To Treatment

There are two main ways DBT treatments can be effective. One way is in the form of individual weekly psychotherapy sessions. These sessions involve managing behavioral issues from the past week. Anything involving suicide or self-injury takes precedence. Afterward, dealing with any behavior that interferes with the process is addressed.

The idea is to work towards improving your overall quality of life. Dialectical Behavior Therapy sessions may also involve assistance dealing with post-traumatic stress responses resulting from previous trauma. Helping to enhance your self-image, self-respect, and social skills are critically important to this process. Group DBT sessions led by a licensed therapist are another effective method of therapy.

DBT Is A Collaborative Effort

DBT therapy is support oriented and helps patients identify their strengths. Creating a focus surrounding personal strengths can facilitate improvement in an individual’s life. Dialectical Behavior Treatments are cognitively based and help to identify thoughts that make life harder such as the pursuit of perfection or feeling irrational guilt about getting angry. It is a collaborative effort between the therapist and the patient that concentrates on working out problems in the patient’s relationships.

Patients may be asked to complete assignments and do role-playing exercises to practice new skills. DBT is a weekly process that creates change over time with the help of a therapist. With this form of therapy, you should expect:

  • Weekly Individual Therapy Sessions
  • At Least A One Year Commitment
  • As-needed Consultations In Between Sessions
  • Skill Training

Dialectical Behavior Therapy In Glendale

If you or someone you know could benefit from Dialectical Behavior Therapy in Glendale, call Dr. Taji today to find out about scheduling weekly sessions in the Glendale area. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

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