Sometimes there is confusion about what a psychologist is and what kind of conditions we treat. Dr. Taji Huang PhD can help clear up those questions and provide support for better mental health in Glendale, CA. Find out the roles a psychologist plays and the conditions we typically treat.
Psychologist vs. Psychiatrist
Psychologists attend school for approximately 8-10 years to earn a Ph.D. Therapy with a psychologist primarily involves talk therapy and behavior modification. They may employ several different treatment modalities, but they do not prescribe medication and they are not medical doctors.
A psychiatrist has a medical degree and their areas of study include anatomy and pharmacology. They treat more intense conditions, like schizophrenia. They typically run a series of medical tests and include medication as part of the treatment plan in addition to psychotherapy.
Alleviation Of Symptoms
Dr. Taji Huang Ph.D., as a Licensed Psychologist and counselor, can help bring relief to symptoms linked with mood disorders. You don’t have to suffer alone or lose hope. Professional therapy services are available and new treatment methodologies are being updated all the time. Do you feel like your mental health is causing you to miss out on life? Mood disorders and other problems may contribute to a variety of symptoms.
- Lack Of Enjoyment In Activities
- Feelings Of Deep Sadness
- Appetite Changes
- Disruption In Sleep Patterns
- Difficulty Concentrating
- Fatigue
Treatment For Mental Health & Mood Disorders
Dr. Taji Huang Ph.D. offers therapy and treatment for various mental health issues and mood disorders. Talk therapy and counseling services are beneficial for most people. Some people may feel that their issue is not large enough for therapy, but if it’s bothering you, you deserve to receive treatment and help. Some of the most common issues for treatment include:
- Attention Deficit Disorder
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Depression
- Eating Disorders
- Bipolar Disorder
- Domestic Violence
- Low Self Esteem
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- Grief
- Loss
Discover Your Goals & Desires
As a psychologist, Dr. Taji Huang Ph.D. can also help people to discover their potential. Sometimes these feelings of despair can arise when people feel they don’t have a purpose or feel ineffective. An experienced counselor can help you talk through these feelings, give you effective tools for managing them, and even help you set goals to create a path forward.
Direct & Indirect Motivation
All psychological problems require some level of care and attention. If a patient is able to ask for and receive help, then that’s half of the battle. Dr. Taji Huang Ph.D. understands that her patients also want direct (or sometimes indirect) motivation to help them overcome their mental health problems. She knows very well that working on habits, dull emotions, and eliminating negative thought patterns from the lives of her patients will speed up the recovery process and lead to better mental health.
An Experienced Psychologist In Glendale, CA
Dr. Taji Huang Ph.D. is an experienced psychologist in Glendale, CA. She will leverage her years of experience, education, and skill to create a counseling experience that brings relief and positive mental health benefits. Get in touch to schedule a free consultation and find out if she is the right fit for you. She is accepting patients for in-person and online sessions.